
September 27-29, 2019

The “Donna Effimera” tour continues to unfold across the national territory, choosing Matera, the European Capital of Culture for 2019, as its third destination. The meeting between the mannequins and the Lucanian city took place during the Race for the Cure, held from September 27 to 29. This is the world’s largest event in the fight against breast cancer.

Organized by SUSAN G. KOMEN ITALIA, the event had the patronage and participation of CNA Impresa Donna and CNA Matera and had two exceptional godmothers: Rosanna Banfi and Maria Grazia Cucinotta.


Matera is a city that emerged at the dawn of time. Archaeological findings show that it was already inhabited during the Paleolithic period, if not the city itself, at least the area where it stands. The nucleus of the city we know today likely originated from Greek settlements in southern Italy. After fluctuating in the face of war during the early Middle Ages, during which it was also destroyed by the Franks, Matera experienced a period of peace from the Norman conquest onward.

Subsequently, during the Spanish rule, Matera was recognized as the capital of Basilicata and also became the seat of the Royal Audience, until Napoleon moved these privileges to Potenza. After the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy, marked by years of banditry and rural discontent, Matera became a province in 1927. The city finally played a leading role in the fight against Nazifascism, sparking uprisings against the regime in the South. And despite its fame as the ‘City of Sassi,’ it was only in the 1980s that the ancient districts were restored.

As the culmination of such a rich history, Matera was designated a ‘World Heritage Site’ in 1993 and declared the ‘European Capital of Culture’ in 2019.

In the face of such splendor, there’s nothing left to do but remain silent: one mannequin, one city, countless moments of life.

The works

The mannequin in the photos was donated by Rosanna Ventrella for the ‘Center for Integrated Oncology Therapies’ at the Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS Hospital in Rome.

Here is the link for those who would like to support the Center:

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